as you have probably noticed, i have taken over money twitter in the last couple days.

i get a ton of questions like “how did you do it?” or “what strategies did you use?”

that’s what i’ll reveal in this guide…


due to the fact that i am primarily a blackhat marketer, many people assume that i used some “SuPEr SeCReT” growth tactic that i learned from russian forums. but luckily for you i didn’t.

i mean, if you found me, i sparked your interest and it led to you reading this guide right now.

i gave you a “oh shit, that’s interesting” moment and caught your attention enough for you to reply to the thread and start reading this guide.

the truth is that social media in 2024 is a war for your attention, if you cannot give the reader a new perspective on something, they will not interact with your content.

have a look at any viral piece of content eve -, it always sparks an emotion.

whether that is because it’s funny, controversial, thought-provoking, makes you angry, whatever… it always should make the user stop and think.D

the more time you can hold someones attention, the more likely it is that you will go viral.

so the question arises…

how do i hold someones attention?

i will give you an example of the type of tweet that has worked best for me…


in this tweet i give an actionable step-by-step guide on a method that twitter hasn’t seen before.

i’d bet my life that AT LEAST 90% of people who seen this, stopped and thought how they can apply this to their own operations.

generally, the higher the bookmark:view ratio is - the better the post does.